Art Talks and Pictures Speak to Us!

Yes, I greatly enjoy art talks as you never know what lovely, interesting women you’ll meet.

There is a chance to socialize and make new friends as you discuss the works of art you are viewing. It is also fascinating to learn how the art makes other people feel and how we each respond emotionally to the objects we view. Often during the course of the morning one hears “I love that picture, or that does not appeal to me at all!” Art can evoke strong feelings and it is an interesting venue to get to meet fellow AIWCC members.

So this month our group focused on portraits at Museum Ludwig- relatively contemporary works of art. Why do artists make portraits we were asked? Well- why do we take “selfies” these days? I think part of the answer is we want to reveal how we would like others to perceive us and sometimes the artist incorporates how the economic and political views of the day personally effect their mood. I was fascinated learning about a female German artist who worked at the turn of the century and was torn between art and women’s traditional roles—Paula Modersohn-Becker who was “recently re-discovered” by female art historians. For those of you wanting to explore German culture Karla exposed us to art of the Weimer Republic, the period between the two great wars.

Art talks is a great way to learn more about art, history and each other. Come join us!
Susan Gatzert-Snyder