Homage to a Cologne hidden champion 💪🏻 Ursula Schultze-Bluhm in Museum LudwigSurrealism reloaded with a spectacular new show

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Dear ArtTalkers!

The “Ursula” (Schultze-Bluhm) ArtTalks are coming up. I wrote in my last newsletter about the opening and shared the cool 😊 article from the New York Times.

There has been much press on the show. Georg Imdahl of the FAZ - one of my favorite art critics – has written a review with fascinating background information on the Ursula retrospective.

Ursula’s non-binary surrealist approach is as fascinating as it is demonic. And as you’ll discover as we go through the show, there is a certain logic to her artistic language. Like the Surrealists where we’ll start the ArtTalk.

For those of you away at Easter, there is an additional morning ArtTalk on Wednesday April 19^th^, sign up below)

As a professional coach, I invite my clients to envision a better future for themselves. To create a personal vision that acts as an individual roadmap. Ursula’s artwork is visionary.

Her roadmap is a visual storyboard full of references to anecdotes, nature, myth, legends, and of course, the Cologne biblical Ursula story.

Ursula makes defiant 😵 painting. Defiance in an artistic sense. Defiantly creating transformative beauty that morphs from one thing to the next in the magical setting of Museum Ludwig*

There is a dance 💃🏻 performance during the evening Thursday, April 6th ArtTalk – would you like to see it? Let me know, if you’ll be joining us for Ursula’s 💫 transformative work.

Artfully yours,
Karla Schlaepfer

*You can hear more about my coaching passion and “magic” in the museum in my ICF podcast. The ArtTalks part is in the middle of the recording 😉


Session 1: 06.04.2023, 10:15 o’clock (Register here via email)
Session 2: 06.04.2023, 18:30 o’clock (Register here via email)
Session 3: 19.04.2023, 10:15 o’clock (Register here via email)

Sign Up:

Register by Sunday, April 2. Why? My ArtTalks are labors of love – each ArtTalk is unique and requires time and resources to prepare for. Minimum number of ArtTalk participants: 5 Maximum number of ArtTalk participants: 15 If the minimum or maximum number is relevant, I will let you know via email at least 2 days before the ArtTalk. If don’t hear from me – you’re in and we’re on


Museum Ludwig, Heinrich-Böll-Platz, 50667 Köln


Regular 20 €; 7€ kids/students; KölnTag is on the first Thursday of every month. The city of Cologne invites all its citizens to visit the city's museums' permanent collections and many special exhibitions for free. Your identity card is valid as an admission ticket. Standard museum entrance fee applies on Wednesday, April 19th.

Please transfer the ArtTalk fee with your registration a week before the ArtTalk. If you pay and cannot attend, let me know where I can transfer your money back to you.

ArtTalk bank account:

DE 17 6723 0000 4019 2455 50

Further information:

We’ll meet in the middle of the central foyer. Remember large bags (bigger than an A4 piece of paper) must be checked. Feel free to reach out to me Karla Schlaepfer: info@art-talks.de if you have any questions.