Overcoming the OddsWhat we can learn about resilience 💪🏽 from stellar artistsSeptember 1, 2022 at 10:00 AM
and September 1, 2022 at 06:30 PM
Museum Ludwig

Our world continues to bring many new challenges. Living and working in our dynamic and unpredictable environments makes resilience a skill that we all could benefit from.

Let’s turn to the art world and have a look at how artists deal in their lives and artwork with uncertainty, stress and come out on top – or not! 🤷🏽‍♀️

How did now-famous artists like Christo, Jaspar Johns, the Cologne artist Mary Bauermeister or the Peruvian late-comer Teresa Burga cope with life’s ups and downs and remain true to their artistic vision 💫 Do artists have a secret or ritual that gives them courage and the inspiration to keep on painting, sculpting, and creating in face of huge challenges?
Maybe artists have more grit 😜

I invite you to join me to think about these questions in an interactive 1<sup>st</sup> Thursday ArtTalk. We’ll reflect and engage with great artwork while strolling through the galleries of a world-class modern Museum Ludwig– currently no masks are required and there is air conditioning😉

Do you have any questions? Then by all means, do 👉🏽reach out! info@art-talks.de

Looking very much forward 👏🏽 to seeing new and familiar faces in Museum Ludwig on Thursday September 1<sup>st</sup>!

Artful wishes 🎨

ArtTalk Sign Up


Session 1: September 1, 2022 at 10:00 AM
Session 2: September 1, 2022 at 06:30 PM

Sign Up Information

<p>Sign up by Sunday August 27<sup>th</sup>. My ArtTalks are labors of love – each ArtTalk is unique and requires time and resources to prepare for.</p><p>Minimum number of ArtTalk participants: 5<br>Maximum number of ArtTalk participants: 15</p><p>If the minimum or maximum number is relevant, I will let you know via email at least 2 days before the ArtTalk on September 1<sup>st</sup>. If don’t hear from me – you’re in and we’re on 😍</p>


Museum Ludwig, Heinrich-Böll-Platz, 50667 Köln


<p>Cologne residents do bring proof of residency for free museum entrance! Special price for everyone else 🤷🏽after 5 pm 7€. (ArtTalk fee: Adults 20€; kids/students 5€)</p>

Please transfer the ArtTalk fee with your registration a week before the ArtTalk. If you pay and cannot attend, let me know where I can transfer your money back to you.

Bank Account

DE 17 6723 0000 4019 2455 50

Further Information

We’ll meet in the large foyer of Museum Ludwig and start after everyone has sorted out their tickets (Cologne citizens bring proof of residency!) and large handbags and backpacks into the lockers.