Discovery Trip to Hidden Personal Stories in ART70th Birthday ArtTalk for MGO 🥳

Reading time: 2 minutes

Hi ArtTalkers, here a short blog post by Ingeborg on a recent birthday ArtTalk:


Who is MGO – and who knows him at his best?

This was the question that moved me as I set out early on to plan this event.

For a “bon vivant” and art lover like my husband Manfred (MGO), it was my wish to honor him and his 70th birthday in an extraordinary way.

And who could better inspire Manfred, me, and his closest friends in an artistic context, than Karla Schlaepfer? A creative art historian of scope and enthusiasm. In fact, the idea for a birthday ArtTalk occurred to me in one of her ArtTalks at the Museum Ludwig in Cologne.

I designed the framework for this unusual interactive birthday present and asked Karla for her knowledge and support in helping me carry out my secret project.

Karla was happy to elaborate on the initial idea. Together we “co-created” the ArtTalk. I chose poems that added a layer of poesy. Karla was able to cleverly bridge and tie together biographical periods of Manfred’s life with selected works of contemporary art. At the same time, she encouraged our guests to reflect on their dear friend, their friendship, as well as the actual work of art itself.

Karla drew insights from my initial question – skillfully and well prepared – she sparked lively conversations and exchanges of shared experiences of Manfred’s life and times.

ART always lets us feel happy and Karla contributed with charm and knowledge on top!

On behalf of MGO and his guests:

Big hugs and thanks to you, dear Karla. It was a wonderful birthday extraordinaire!


Dear ArtTalkers, if this is something that might interest you, please reach out to me Karla I’d love to create original ArtTalks for you and your special occasions.