Photography in Museum LudwigPerformative Female Artists get loud

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Hi Arttalkers Community,

Have you ever wondered what makes Museum Ludwig such a hotspot for photography?

In the next August 3rd ArtTalk (10:15h or 18:30h), you’ll discover some of the reasons

A short history of the photography collection is on our ArtTalk agenda!

This gives us the context for the current photography show in the permanent exhibition curated by Barbara Engelbach, “Image and Counter Image”.

The show features a selection of female photographers. Connection her selection of Museum Ludwig-owned pieces – which spans the last 50 years - is the performative aspect of the work. The photos are gender-specific investigations in which the female physical body is used as material to question social conventions and norms.

Here is a little background – the 👉🏻 2. “learning nugget” – on one of the 5 artists in the show.

Valie Export’s art was deeply rooted in the social and political climate of her time. She actively participated in the Austrian avant-garde movement and was a prominent voice in challenging the conservative art establishment. Through her performances, she critiqued the male-dominated art world and opened up new possibilities for artistic expression.

Her life and times serve as a testament to the power of perseverance and determination.

Throughout her career, Export explored the interplay between the body and its environment, emphasizing the female body as a site of resistance and agency. Her performances often featured confrontational gestures, challenging viewers to question their complicity in perpetuating the status quo. Through her art, she reclaimed her own narrative and encouraged others to do the same. 🤗😍

Export’s legacy extends beyond her groundbreaking performances. She was also a prolific filmmaker, photographer, and writer, using various mediums to challenge and provoke her audience. Her films, such as “Invisible Adversaries” (1976), tackled themes of surveillance, control, and female subjectivity, further cementing her status as a multidisciplinary artist.

Won’t you join the ArtTalks to find out more about Valie Export, a true trailblazer in the realm of performance art!

Looking forward to seeing you in the hot month of August in the cool museum! 😎

Enjoy the summer

Artfully yours,

Karla Schlaepfer


Session 1: 03.08.2023, 10:15 o’clock (Register here via email)
Session 2: 03.08.2023, 18:30 o’clock (Register here via email)

Sign Up:

Register by Sunday, July 30. Why? My ArtTalks are labors of love – each ArtTalk is unique and requires time and resources to prepare for. Minimum number of ArtTalk participants: 5 Maximum number of ArtTalk participants: 15 If the minimum or maximum number is relevant, I will let you know via email at least 2 days before the ArtTalk. If don’t hear from me – you’re in and we’re on!


Museum Ludwig, Heinrich-Böll-Platz, 50667 Köln


Regular 20 €; 7€ kids/students; KölnTag is on the first Thursday of every month. The city of Cologne invites all its citizens to visit the cityls museums’ permanent collections and many special exhibitions for free. Your identity card with your Cologne address is valid as an admission ticket.

Please transfer the ArtTalk fee with your registration a week before the ArtTalk. If you pay and cannot attend, let me know where I can transfer your money back to you.

ArtTalk bank account:

DE 17 6723 0000 4019 2455 50

Further information:

We’ll meet in the middle of the central foyer. Remember large bags (bigger than an A4 piece of paper) must be checked beforehand. Feel free to reach out to me Karla Schlaepfer: if you have any questions