Crazy Color and the Expressionist Dynamic in Painting

Paintings like Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ (1889) opened our eyes to the intensity of expressive color. He used color to express his feelings about a subject, rather than to simply describe it.
In a letter to his brother Theo he explained, ‘Instead of trying to reproduce exactly what I see before my eyes, I use color more arbitrarily to express myself forcibly.’ His heightened vision helped to liberated color as an emotional instrument and the brash vitality of his brushwork became a key influence in the development for the “wild” painters of German Expressionists.

Museum Ludwig has an exemplary collection of expressionist paintings and sculptures by the young “punks” of the turn of the last century whose styles would provoke outrage from the artistic establishment.  We’ll tap into the context and life of this movement and consider how the use of color influences how we, the viewer, perceive the image.

So, please and register and join us for a fascinating evening in a world famous exhibition that will certainly provoke your eyes and soul!

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