Learn about Life through Art ExperienceOn September 1 our ArtTalk was on “Learning about Resilience through Art”. Guest Post by Claudia Hillebrand

A special “guide” through the museum for thinking/reflections/engaging with art work; that’s what I like about ArtTalks with Karla! 👍
“Learning about Resilience through Art”. This word resilience is such a complex term containing so many interesting aspects/components in itself – wow 😄!
How exciting to learn about how artists cope with so many dramas/tragedies/fate in their lives answering with a creative, persisting, never giving up, consistent attitude. They apply this perseverance in really long-term (sometimes decades!) using aspects like patience, use of moral strength, social criticism, innovative thinking, and even humor!
And the side effect: We learned a lot (main part!) about resilience – especially female resilience!
There are female artists you sometimes never heard of and yet they are so good and qualified. Respect to all the female artists of the world with ‚grit’, who slowly get to their “right” to be equally accepted.
With compliments
Claudia Hillebrand 🌷