Photography in Museum LudwigPerformative Female Artists get loud 🥳03.08.2023, 10:15 Uhr
and 03.08.2023, 18:30 Uhr
Museum Ludwig

Hi Arttalkers Community,

Have you ever wondered what makes Museum Ludwig such a hotspot for photography?

In the next August 3rd ArtTalks, you’ll discover some of the reasons 😉

A short history of the photography collection is on our ArtTalk agenda!

This gives us the context for the current photography show in the permanent exhibition curated by Barbara Engelbach, “Image and Counter Image”. It features a selection of female photographers. The link to the selection – which spans the last 50 years - is the performative aspect of the presented work. These are gender-specific investigations in which the female physical body is used as material to question social conventions and norms.

Here is a little background – another nugget - on one of the 5 artists in the show.

Ana Mendieta:

She was born in Cuba and brought to Miami, USA to be raised. During the thirteen years of her artistic career, she worked with performance, land art, conceptual art, photography, and film. Mendieta began her artistic career in 1972 at the University of Iowa. In the years that followed, she worked not only with different media, but also between cultures, realizing her artistic projects in North America, but also in Central America, the Caribbean, and Europe.

In her works, Mendieta dealt with the human body, sexuality, and questions of identity, among other things, often working with blood as well as with natural materials and fire in the landscape. She used the term earth-body work to describe her performances in the landscape. Some of her artworks are considered icons of 1970s art.

She died tragically after a fall from NYC skyscraper. Her husband, the now-well-known artist, Carl Andre, was acquitted on reasonable doubt in a 1988 murder trial.

I’d also like to introduce you to the Foto Lab! There we can experiment with the camera obscura, set up a portrait and create an image.

Looking forward to seeing you all in the hot month of August in the cool museum!

Artfully yours,
Karla Schlaepfer

ArtTalk Sign Up


Session 1: 03.08.2023, 10:15 Uhr
Session 2: 03.08.2023, 18:30 Uhr

Sign Up Information

Register by Sunday, July 30 Why? My ArtTalks are labors of love – each ArtTalk is unique and requires time and resources to prepare for. Minimum number of ArtTalk participants: 5. Maximum number of ArtTalk participants: 15. If the minimum or maximum number is relevant, I will let you know via email at least 2 days before the ArtTalk. If don’t hear from me – you’re in and we’re on!


Museum Ludwig, Heinrich-Böll-Platz, 50667 Köln


Regular 20 €; 7€ kids/students; KölnTag is on the first Thursday of every month. The city of Cologne invites all its citizens to visit the city’s museums’ permanent collections and many special exhibitions for free. Your identity card with your Cologne address is valid as an admission ticket.

Please transfer the ArtTalk fee with your registration a week before the ArtTalk. If you pay and cannot attend, let me know where I can transfer your money back to you.

Bank Account

DE 17 6723 0000 4019 2455 50

Further Information

We’ll meet in the middle of the central foyer. Remember large bags (bigger than an A4 piece of paper) must be checked beforehand. Feel free to reach out to me Karla Schlaepfer: if you have any questions.