
ArtTalk 4. September 2008, 6.30 pm
Rembrandt – A boy´s dream
Rembrandt – A boy´s dream“ – Collection Kremer is being shown amongst flowing white curtains and gigantic white chandeliers. The lower floor of Wallraf-Richartz Museum has been decorated by a modern Dutch design agency which lends a playful flamboyance to the oval room hung with Old Master paintings. The collection contains works from lesser known 17th century Dutch artists to a wonderful highlight „Old Man wearing a Turban“ by Rembrandt.
This Wallraf Dutch ArtTalk will take place on Thursday, September 4th at 18:30 (please register per email by Sept. 2)– the extended opening night of the museum. Due to the spatial limitations in the Kremer/Rembrandt show, I´d like to begin with your own viewing time of the Kremer Collection and then progress up to the 2nd floor of the museum, where we can discuss, talk, sing and dance (!) – without bothering anyone. Besides, on the second floor of the Wallraf, we can continue our ArtTalk topic with the exquisite examples of Dutch art from the permanent collection. For those of you interested, the museum is offering a Dutch art quiz and you can win prizes!