X-Mas Announcement

Dear Arttalkers,
Is there anything more entertaining, inspiring 😍 and instructive than engaging with art?
Don’t we all sorely miss this right now?
Heading into the holiday season during a pandemic calls for more than disappointment. It calls for resilience 👍🏼and sharing.
Kindness towards ourselves and others play a vital role. We all need encouragement from one another more than ever this Christmas. Are there small ways you can reach out to others and share? Not inspiring each other with art but with inspiring words ✨that might make folks smile and remind them they are not alone.
It’s a fact. The museums are closed. 🛑There will not be ArtTalks as announced on January 4th.
And I’m ever optimistic and looking forward to our Andy Warhol ArtTalks on first Thursdays of February 4th and March 4th in the morning and evening! Mark your calendars ✅
As soon as there is more news 🥁, I’ll reach out to you all.
Here several links to reviews of the Andy Warhol exhibition (from the Tate Modern London). It is the same exhibition that is now (already set up) in Museum Ludwig and where we’ll do the ArtTalks.
“Not Another Warhol Show: A Review from Tate Modern”
This mini-retrospective makes a compelling case for the ongoing relevance of the 20th century’s most ubiquitous artist. Review by Gilda Williams.
And in German:
Die Ausstellung verspricht einen neuen Blick auf die knallbunten Arbeiten des Künstlers. Seine Kunst-Ikonen und sein familiärer Migrationshintergrund sind Thema.
Der digitale Kulturtipp des Tages: „Andy Warhol“ in der Tate Modern
Wie Andy Warhols Pop Art die Kunstwelt veränderte
Keep your spirits up and do join us for inspiring ❣ art sharing in 2021!