Still Curious 🙂 to learn more about Resilience?Useful Links on Resilience, Grit and ⚡ Growth Mindset

We covered much ground in both the AM and PM Talks. Bouncing our ideas on grit and resiliency off of outstanding art of Lee Krasner, On Kawara, Paul Thek, Eva Hesse, Teresa Burga, Jasper Johns and Jeanne Claude and Christo …
It is pure delight to have such enthusiastic 😄and participative ArtTalkers!
Below please find links and references that we spoke about:
Here my DesignChange blog text with the common components of 🐲resilience that we used in Museum Ludwig. See for more on personal development.
Angela Duckworth’s book on “Grit” is an excellent source.
As is the fundamental work on mindsets by Prof. Carol Dweck the Stanford researcher who coined “growth mindset.” Check out her Ted Talks too.
A wonderful documentary about the life and work of Eva Hesse
Ulrike contributed an article on Henri Matisse who taught himself a new way of making art with 💚colorful cut-outs after he could no longer hold a paint brush!
Claudia summarized her impressions and thoughts in this guest blog post.
Here a comment sent to me by a 🤗happy ArtTalker;
“this is just to say thank you again for such an enriching evening!”
Thank you all for your ideas and joining the community of those who find inspiration in art!
Artful wishes
Save the date: Thursday November 3 next ArtTalk
Thanks again Anke 😍for the wonderful pictures. You’ll find these on the site under “More Impressions”.